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Missy Higgins - Warm Whispers

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


When one is fond of someone, what does one do? Quite a number of times, one thought of expressing one's feelings to that someone. BUT, one cannot say it out to that someone because one is too afraid of the outcome. Well, one does not want to be embarrassed and humiliated if that someone rejects one. What one is trying to avoid in the first place is that 'broken-hearted' outcome. Ok, maybe not thaaat severe..try disappointment..try dejected..try lost of a good friend..

One thinks that it would be better in April. Month to date, nothing has been brighter. One already invited that someone for an outdoor activity. Errkss, that someone seems not to be interested pulak. What else could one do? One is already feeling that one is clapping with one hand. Another thing that one feels uncomfortable with is the girl gets guy issue. Nevertheless, one's wise relative advised one that in this age, one should not feel uncomfortable to chase after guys(err, that definitely sounds weird. To heck with it..). The truth is, that special someone's type.. who is kind, fairly jaga agama, and good-looking(bolehlaa) do not pass by easy these days. So, one should go for it! One thinks so too. But one is still shy and doesn't have the guts to be super-outfront like that Gigi girl in "He's Just Not That Into You". By the way, one watched that movie last weekend, and one loves it!

To make matters worse, one is already thinking that that someone already found a special someone. Of course, one hasn't asked casually to that someone if that someone already has a special someone. One just couldn't get to that point...even casually!

One is willing to give up this silent fight(whatever that means). But that someone keeps coming back to one's head. One is also tired of playing the are-you-really-interested-in-me? game. One figures one should give up soon.

One thing one heard is that one should set love(or in this case, fondness) free and wait for it to come back by itself. Well, it's either that or ...

.....He's Just Not THAAAT Into Me....

ohhhhhh... crap...

P/S: Apparently I watched Bicentennial Man a kazillion times.