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Missy Higgins - Warm Whispers

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Once, I heard that news of death of someone you know (family, relative, friend, family of friends) will come to you for 7 times subsequently (each different person) before the 'no more death news' phase starts. The cycle will then continue...

Ever since I knew of this, everytime a death of someone I know occurs, I find that the fact above is more or less true. Although 7 is not the usual number, it's certainly more than 1.

When I was young, and even now, I'm scared that the bad news will arrive. Especially that of someone very very close to me.

What each of us is, is just a piece of clay. Someday we'll be buried alongside all the occupants of the soil. I know I'm not ready to leave, for there is so much I haven't done. Now, when we still have time, let's keep reminding each other that death is upon us, sooner or later. The big question is, have we done enough to prepare for the afterlife?

Rest in peace, Kak FA's mom, a truly inspiring & giving person, may Allah SWT bless you. Amin.