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Missy Higgins - Warm Whispers

Thursday, August 4, 2011

iPhone Killed the Novels

A few months ago, I bought the exclusive and so-called cool iPhone4. It was about time that I go with the flow and change to a stylish communication device. Oh well. It's not only a communication device, most importantly if you haven't know, the iPhone is an all-important entertainment device. Very handy indeed, especially at times of desperate measures. Keyword: bored.

My previous phone has keypads. I mean whoever uses phones with keypads nowadays?! *sorry, berlagak. couldn' resist* Eh jap. Berries have keypads kan? *ok, I'll stop berlagak now!* ;P

Eversince the day I bought the iPhone, I haven't been able to keep my hands off it. There's so much to do with an iPhone. Even in the house, the iPhone is CONSTANTLY beside me. A member of the family has complained that I keep looking at my phone. oops.

However, there's a bad side to all this iPhone craze - I haven't been reading my novels! Which is quite sad if I really dwell into it. :( I mean, I love my novels. And to think that I killed my reading passion just cause of technology?! Screw you iPhone for being such a temptation!!

*Okay, back to making burgers on the iPhone. Eh jap, it's my turn to play Words with Friends on the iPhone...*



helentea said...

yes lina..cant live w/o 'em..been living miserably for the past 1.5 month w/o a smartphone and still haven't got a replacement.. been waiting for employee offer for samsung galaxy S2..smlm kluar offer terus aku order :P yay!

TheGr8Unknown said...

Yanti a.k.a. IREG Engineer,

Exactly! Can't live without them. Ooohhh, Samsung Galaxy S2 baybeh!! ;)