Hit the play button..and enjoy my hear-me-outs !

Missy Higgins - Warm Whispers

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Friends That Matter

1. Anis MD
  • My BFF-Best Friends Forever . I had someone who doesn't know what BFF means, hence the meaning...u know who you are ;)
  • Anis is a woman pursued by many...hahahaha...(sorry anis, I just can't resist!). But for guys out there, sorry, she's already taken. :P
  • Despite us being in Jasin for 2 years, and living in the same block and also the same wing, we were not close...until the phase of Sunway College arrived.
  • In Sunway College, I lived with her in the same apartment for weeks only (or is it a month? cannot remember. But it was not long.) But in such a short time, I discovered that Anis is like me. We bonded well. She knows what I like, want, and need .. and i too the same of her. Finding a girlfriend who is similar to me and understands me, at that time, is a first in my life. No wonder when she left Sunway College to pursue her Medic dream, i felt hollow. And no more shopping trips with her to Pyramid after she left? na-uh, not cool!
  • This one time, I used to breakdown real hard when I was in Australia..all due to programming stuff. The worst I became in my life. No hope. No aim. I don't even have the nerve to talk to Mummy or Baba. Anis was the only person I can think of to talk to. I felt much better after that. That's also the beauty of being a muslim. When you are lost, Allah SWT will guide you. Even if sometimes you don't feel like you've been guided. Think again..because Allah SWT did play a role. And if not for having a religion to grasp on to and anis's shoulder to cry on, I think I would not have found my way here.
  • On a lighter note, WE ARE shopaholics and shopaholics can't get enough of Sophie Kinsella's creations. :)
  • Anis could be the candidate who could complete my sentence. Though, how I wish I could have the same from the other gender...;)
  • We each have a pair of the same Goggles jeans (which I still wear), and the same stripey black-orange t-shirt. And no, we haven't gone out wearing the same clothes. errr..boria is kind of creepy.
  • We think the same thinks, we like the same likes. The rest as they say, is history.
  • Hold on...if we like the same likes, and my kind of guy is her kind of guy....O-Owww, danger! hehehe...no lah, let's not get guys in our way kan, Anis? =D
2. Raimi Slumber
  • Those who know me well, and know Raimi well, would have this same perception ---> Raimi and I are 2 different people with different personalities. And it's a wonder how we could live together for 4 years in Australia. Hehehe..i guess the secret behind this is the fact that we are 2 dreamers who can't get enough of travelling and the taste of adventure.
  • Raimi is the intelligent one. A 'First Class' lady herself, Raimi would always ace her exams. My 'sifu' in studies could be impatient (at times lah..hehehe. sorry,but sometimes, i can be slow to pick up!), but she's not 'kedekut ilmu' or knowledge stingy (???), as they say. Always there to help others to learn, Miss Raimi proved that she is a saint. And saints always get good marks! Indeed!
  • One of our greatest cheapskate adventure: Going to Thirsty Merc concert at Adelaide Unibar...except we were not inside. We were outside the bar, on the stairs of Union Building (where the bar is located), and opening our ears widely to hear Thirsty Merc's songs behind the wall.
Lina: Eh, stage kat blakang dinding ni lah. patut lah boleh dgr. clear jugak lah (it wasn't that clear..more dBs than recognizable sounds). hah, ni ade lubang kecik. cepat letak mic mp3 kat sini. boleh record concert nih (that was a time when i was so naive..ok lah..not naive, more to stupid...you cannot record a concert using an mp3 with a microphone opening o f 1 cm. Bull*#@t sound is what you get!)

later on...

Raimi: Eh, lagu Someday, Someday! Eh chop...bukan lah..ke lagu Summertime hah? (squinting eyes and trying hard to hear through the wall..). Someday, Someday lah...ala, maksudnye concert ni nak habis dah..
  • Raimi is my driver in Adelaide. Hahahha..That's because I'm crap at driving a manual car. I tried once or twice...errr..with the condition of our dirt-mobile, i dare not sacrifice the lives of others on the road. O=)
  • I wouldn't have completed my undergraduate degree on time, without Raimi. She was a motivator, a reason to push myself to be at her level (though I couldn't really get there..hehehe), and of course a good friend and shoulder to cry on when those treacherous programming burden took stage.
3. FA the Wise
  • My steady chat buddy.
  • The wise one.
  • Time and time again, she tries to convince me that I'm still young. OK (but that's only because she's OLDer than me). hehhe. i think i'm old lah...for a 23 year-old...I AM old. Old enough to not do the stuff I used to do, like playing at the playground and being plain silly. Gosh, it's tiring to be matured.
  • Always the one who wins arguments/issues (being the wise one does that to her).
  • I will always be younger than her. That's the cool part. hehehhe..and I could use that as my defense. and on those rare occasions, make fun of her....yes, i repeat, rare occasions only.
  • I could consider her as a big sister. What with all the advices!! hehehe. No, really, i treasure those do's and don'ts, Kak FA. :)
  • A good companion on those dreary/stressful/sleepy office hours.
P/S: Family members are not suppose to be in this list. So, if anyone kecik hati/merajuk, don't!!


fa said...

very, i repeat, very rare occasions ;)

Anonymous said...

hye lina.. it is soo true of what you have written.. we only got to know each other for weeks back then in sunway (jasin didnt count bcoz we hardly talked to each other though we stayed in the same wings ;( sobs..), yet it was long enough for us to realize that we both have similar views on most of the things- especially when it comes to shopping at that time, we both wanted to go to the same shop, craved for the same food, and the list goes on & on..
And when I was having major breakdown, you were the one I turned on too, even though we're miles apart. I was really grateful to have you to listen to my problem & comfort me when I was down..
Thanks dear! ;)

TheGr8Unknown said...

Anis, all I can express is :D