Hit the play button..and enjoy my hear-me-outs !

Missy Higgins - Warm Whispers

Friday, June 20, 2008

Being Indispensable

"Select Consulting, Good Morning, Lina speaking"

I am currently needed in the office, as in really needed. These few days, I'll be answering calls for the kakaks, consultants, and Aunty Zah. They are all away on a company trip to Chiang Mai. I was invited, but of course, have to pay for my own expenses. I'm not complaining because as a matter of fact, I am new here, and just a temporary staff. who am i to get a fully paid holiday, kan? I was actually going to accept their invitation, knowing that it's not easy to go on a holiday all planned for. You just throw in the money and the next thing you do is be there at the airport! I could fork out that RM 2200 for that 4-day trip. BUT, sensibility got the better of me. To spend that much while I'm still looking for a permanent job is just crazy. Even the pay i received for the past 3 months I'm working here, barely reach that 2.2 k. haha! sad, i know. But at least there's some income. Aunty Zah also said that I can put this job in my CV. Just to show the employers that i'm not idle all these while. there's also another reason. Mummy's birthday is this Saturday, 21 June. Definitely don't want to miss it. 4 years i've been away from her on her birthday. This is one of the reasons i came back (and not look for a job in Australia)...to celebrate their special days by their side. They are getting old, if anybody hasn't noticed. So i just want to make the most of this time i have with them.

So, bye-bye Chiang Mai. see u sometime soon! anyway, Mummy said we've been there when i was like 9 or 10. but i cant recall a thing! My memories of Thailand are only of that trip to Bangkok when I was 8 years old. Still remember going on my first elephant ride(not to mention how stinky it was!) and also that photo of me on the boat, grinning ecstatically, with one tooth missing. erghh..if u dig into my past, you'll find that i was inhumanely called 'Rongak' by my School bus driver for a period of time during the days of primary school. me being all shy and timid, i kept quiet and let him be...until i was so fed-up of it. i mean, how dare he called me a name of such atrociousness? the fact that the whole bus hears it doesn't make things better. so i decided to tell Mummy all about it. and Mummy was all defensive of her precious darling (Ira wasn't born yet lah at that time) and she told him off the next day! padan muka Abg Rashid! it was the usual 'Lina' (with added pleasant-ness) from that day onwards. hahaha..

Oh ya, Aunty Zah said that my title for this job in Select Consulting is not just limited to Database Entry Officer. I was officially upgraded by Aunty Zah to Assistant Consultant. i must admit that the title does sound better. it's true what!! i'm not just blindly entering stuff into their 'efficient' database, i'm actually extracting and translating important data into a form that the consultants could deal with. plus, I'm answering calls and doing document walk-throughs of the reports the consultants made. in many ways, i deserve that title! Also, just recently, i decided to come into the office only 3 days per week. the other 2 days are spent at home, aggressively apply for jobs online. This means less pay since my salary is based on attendance, but it's okay. Kakak pointed out that looking for a permanent job is my first priority. of course, i think so too. Let's see if my aggressiveness pays out. i must say that i've been sort of laid-back when it comes to job-hunting. Not that i haven't been looking at all. the truth is, i have! every week i applied for a few jobs. sometimes they call for interviews. it's just that no rezeki or luck have crossed my path. it's now June and i've never felt this desperate to end my leisure holidays ASAP. good thing there is at least an ounce of sanity in me!

P/S: This morning, I spent a good RM 15 on Starbucks' Mocha Frapuccino. Although that amounts to 30% of my pay for the day, i don't feel guilty at all. weird...


Anonymous said...

Hahaha!! Dat's funny..ur story on our school bus...yeah abg rashid is mean...suka2 je nak panggil orang names...really? ur mum told him off? heheh :)

TheGr8Unknown said...

Yup, one morning, my mum sent me to the bus door and said "Anak saya ada nama. Kenapa tak panggil nama betul dia? Ini panggil Rongak. Saya tak nak dengar lagi nama tu." At least that was part of the told-off lah..hhahahaha.. FYI, that Rashid bus is still operating. often see the bus around Bangi. abg rashid mesti dah kaya, kan?