Hit the play button..and enjoy my hear-me-outs !

Missy Higgins - Warm Whispers

Monday, June 23, 2008

A Slow, but Steady Weekend

The weekend started slow. The family's point of attraction on weekends - Umar Faruq a.k.a my genius nephew - went off to Jakarta with his mama and papa. Because of that, there were no hoo-haas in the house. No requests for nursery rhymes. No 'nak aizin' (aizin = raisin). No attending to his poo-poo business. And there's certainly no request for his favourite character, Omesh the Tank Engine (in case i fail to translate baby words into significant meaning, Omesh = Thomas). I wonder if our bland weekend is due to the fact that Umar was not there...if so, hahaha..it just shows how that little pakcik makes huge impact on us!

Of course, it was Mummy's birthday on Saturday. I gave her a huge hug that morning and wished her Happy Birthday. The card came along much later (the day after, actually. It took one day to pass the card between me and my sisters. We shared the card, by the way. And no, we are not stingy! Sharing a card brings more love than 3 individual cards, amIright??). Mummy wants Cherie Blair's autobiography, 'Speaking for Myself' for her birthday present. Turns out that book is a sell-out. Last Friday, I went to MPH and Borders. Both gave me the same answer - Sorry, out of stock. Will try to look at Kinokuniya this week. Unfortunately, Mummy will have to wait before she can get her hands on that book :) It's ok, Kakak is still on the search for the Electric Oven present for Mummy. So, I'm not the only one lah. Oh ya, while I'm at it, I'm starting to wonder if giving books as presents on birthdays, Father's Day, and Mother's Day is a lame thing (Baba also got a book from me for Father's Day - Obama's 'The Audacity of Hope'. But that doesn't count because I know he's enjoying it). Come to think of it, my parents enjoy reading. It's the others I'm concern about. One thing for sure, I love it if people showered me with presents of the form of books. However, I'm not sure if others feel the same. I guess it depends on people. But how would I know? Sometimes when I ask what do they want, they say "Ape-ape lah". Ape-ape from me equals to a book. So if you guys don't want books, better warn me, okay? Be definite!

That shortness of breath came again on Friday night (felt it on Thurs night as well). That's the reason I wasn't able to get a good sleep, and hence a groggy Saturday morning. All I wanted to do was sleep, sleep, sleep. Came noon, I was still on my bed. I woke up at 2 pm and decided to fight it. A hot shower did the trick. Felt much better after that. I really wonder if the doc's diagnose is true - another 2% and i'm considered asthmatic. Back in Adelaide, I did some tests. Something to do with the capacity of my lungs. At the end of it, the Doc said, I'm not in that group. Another 2% less capacity, I would be, though. The thing is, I have Eczema and I sneeze...a lot! which also means I have sinus problem. It was like 2 months ago that I discovered that Eczema, Sinus and Asthma..they work hand-in-hand. If anyone in the family has any of that condition, then most likely you could have it too. I also recently found out that an auntie and a cousin suffers from asthma. Sometimes, doctors ask me if anyone in the family have asthma, I always went plain "No." You see, I haven't been asking around. Duh to me. However, I'm actually grateful that it's nowhere near the chronic stage. Of all three, I suffer from Eczema most. But it could be dealt with. A wee bit of Steroid on the affected skin will do the job. Gosh, I'm declaring my rather unattractive health state. Err..male population, please don't run away.

I am actually looking forward to next weekend already. Abg Hafeez will be home, and we are going to have this huge celebration dinner : the 3 girls' and Mummy's birthday. It used to be a dinner for each birthday. But Baba has tone it down. I can understand. That hundreds of RMs spent on each dinner could be channelled to other needs. In these days of increased petrol, staple food, and everything else under the sun, it's best we don't spend on unnecessary stuff. A change of lifestyle - That's the phrase the PM pressed on. Indeed, we should practise it.

Oh, another agenda for next weekend. Continuing Atonement with Kakak. Last night, we were too uncomfortable to watch it with our parents and 11-year-old Ira. We had to pause it. Never thought that that movie reveals too much! In the end, we were glued to the TV watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians marathon, while eating durians. ;) Baba had Obama's book in hand, but too many times in a while, he watched the craziness of Kim's family. Hahaha..

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